Anshumaan Chauhan

Welcome to my personal website! I’m Anshumaan Chauhan πŸ‘‹, a recent MS in Computer Science graudate πŸ–₯️ from University of Massachusetts Amherst πŸ›οΈ. I have a keen interest in Natural Language Processing and its practical applications, particularly in the exciting field of Text Generation. Additionally, I find myself drawn to exploring the practical aspects of Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning.

With a strong foundation in Python, I enjoy implementing various architectures using popular deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch and Keras. I find diving deep into cutting-edge research papers πŸ“–, experimenting with novel techniques πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’», and translating theoretical knowledge into practical solutions highly satisfactory.

I actively engage in staying updated with the latest advancements in the field of Deep Learning 🧠 as I believe that without keeping pace with such fast paced research industry, we won’t be able to provide innovation for a better purpose.

Through this website, I aim to share my experiences, insights, and projects related to my areas of interest. I also plan to start writing some blogs about projects and researchers that excites me the most ✍️. Feel free to explore my portfolio and discover the projects I have undertaken, showcasing my proficiency in implementing state-of-the-art algorithms and solving real-world challenges.

I am always open to collaboration 🀝 and opportunities to work on exciting projects that push the boundaries of DL. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect βœ‰οΈ, please don’t hesitate to reach out -

Tech Stack


Python TensorFlow Pandas Matplotlib NumPy Keras scikit-learn SciPy PyTorch ChatGPT

Software Engineering

Java ANTLR4 Lex Yacc C Git Postman Spring Apache Maven Apache Ant Apache Airflow Docker Kubernetes GitHub

Web Development

HTML5 CSS3 TypeScript Angular


Spyder Jupyter Notebook Visual Studio Code PyCharm Atom

Databases and Cloud Services

MySQL AWS Snowflake