Anshumaan Chauhan

Welcome to my personal website! I’m Anshumaan Chauhan πŸ‘‹, a graduate student pursuing my MS in Computer Science πŸ–₯️ at the University of Massachusetts Amherst πŸ›οΈ. I have a keen interest in Natural Language Processing and its practical applications, particularly in the exciting field of Text Generation. Additionally, I find myself drawn to exploring the practical aspects of Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning.

With a strong foundation in Python, I enjoy implementing various architectures using popular deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch and Keras. I find diving deep into cutting-edge research papers πŸ“–, experimenting with novel techniques πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’», and translating theoretical knowledge into practical solutions highly satisfactory.

I actively engage in staying updated with the latest advancements in the field of Deep Learning 🧠 as I believe that without keeping pace with such fast paced research industry, we won’t be able to provide innovation for a better purpose.

Through this website, I aim to share my experiences, insights, and projects related to my areas of interest. I also plan to start writing some blogs about projects and researchers that excites me the most ✍️. Feel free to explore my portfolio and discover the projects I have undertaken, showcasing my proficiency in implementing state-of-the-art algorithms and solving real-world challenges.

I am always open to collaboration 🀝 and opportunities to work on exciting projects that push the boundaries of DL. If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect βœ‰οΈ, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Tech Stack


Python TensorFlow Pandas Matplotlib NumPy Keras scikit-learn SciPy PyTorch ChatGPT

Software Engineering

Java ANTLR4 Lex Yacc C Git Postman Spring Apache Maven Apache Ant Apache Airflow Docker Kubernetes GitHub

Web Development

HTML5 CSS3 TypeScript Angular


Spyder Jupyter Notebook Visual Studio Code PyCharm Atom

Databases and Cloud Services